Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Here it goes!

For almost a year now, I have been thinking seriously about starting a blog where I would share my money-saving ideas.  Why haven't I begun this sooner?  Confidence, busyness, confidence, work, confidence, baby, confidence... you get my drift.  However, ever since I first considered sharing my ideas, I've come to realise that I truly enjoy saving a penny... or many!... and telling my friends and family, or anyone who will listen, about it.  I've also come to realise that my friends are also interested in saving money, but don't really know how or lack the motivation.  I also have friends who enjoy saving money and we love discussing our money-saving ideas.  Basically, it's a hobby.  Perhaps it's also flamed by necessity. 

Since I was young, I've loved to save money. As a child, my money box was kept high on a shelf in my parents' closet next to my brother's.  I regularly go into their room, take down my money box, spill the contents on their bed and count out my money.  I can remember my parents taking my brother and me to the local bank and opening our first "banker bear" savings account when I was about 10 years old.  I always loved balancing my checkbook once I had a checking account.  I have NEVER carried over a balance on my credit cards, and now that I have a family of my own, I try to "name" every penny we earn and spend.  Saving money is in my blood. 

So, here it goes... my blog on how I save money in order to inspire you to save money, too.  Why? Because you work hard for your money. 

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